
Friday 30 November 2012

What can Lachlan do

Lachlan had a big week. He had a check up and a mini overnight "sleep" study. He did well at the sleep study while he was sleeping they almost got him off O2. However at home again while awake he just doesn't seem comfortable without 0.5Litre??

Overall Lachlan is doing well apart from the loss of about a kilo over the last few months which is a lot on a little boy. This has been mainly due to being unwell and vomiting all of his manufactured formula. He is now on a fully blenderised diet and under guidance from his dietitian we are confident he will regain this weight fairly quickly at least we hope so. Everyone please cross fingers.

Rick and I enjoy the blending and so far he is tolerating everything.

Everytime Lachlan sees his Peadiatrician he seems very withdrawn and I think his doctor may be getting the wrong impression. I plan to send some of these photos to him.

smiling eyes
Patting Hannah's cat Dear
rolling across the mat several times(note O2 cord) to get doll
Oh and if someone could turn the Air con on that would be appreciated

Sunday 11 November 2012

Whats Happening?

Time does go quickly at times. Lachlan is asleep and I am off work mostly today so I thought I check in and do a new blog post. Surprising almost one month since the last one.

Lachlan seems much better than he has been.  He lost a lot of weight with illness and what we finally think may be a milk allergy. Vomiting has stopped and white mucous which at one point was copious from his nose has almost stopped. He is completely off his formula and on a totally blenderised diet now. Rick has really pushed for this and I think it is the right thing for Lachlan. I have just been concerned about the amount of calories he will get this way. I did an excel spreadsheet which always helps me process things better and it looks like we are moving in the right calorie direction.

Recently there have been a few babies that have died in our community. Some passed shortly after birth. Some after a fight with illness. The nature of these babies lives is that their parents know they may not make it or have only a short time with them however they were not loved less nor will they be grieved for less.

Matthew, Angelo and Emma I am sorry you did not spend longer here and am thinking of your family.

Naiyah I will miss you

There is another little girl who has been on my mind who was very sick also. Sending love to your family.

Also very soon I have trisomy mummy friends either approaching the day of their child's passing and/or there child's birthday.

I remember with you

Sending you wishes for peace